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Elena Pampaloni


Updated: Jun 26, 2021

With finishing off this school year, we wanted to compile some of the things that have contributed to achieving what we wanted this year!

This blog post includes:

  • Creating the ideal study environment

  • Goal Setting

  • Top 5 tips for staying positive

Creating the ideal study environment

1. If you find yourself getting distracted at home, study in different locations and switch up where you are learning the information. For younger students that also work during school I recommend getting a job as a receptionist or at a desk area because many times when the work area is quiet and you have completed your work there is time to do school work instead of going on your phone.

2. Limit potential distractions by refraining from going on your phone or surfing the internet while studying. We recommend apps such as Flora or Focus Keeper to stay on task! Also take off social media notifications, you can turn them back on after but while you study just keep them off so you don’t feel like you are missing out. By using these two apps we provided above you can practice our study method which is the Pomodoro method. It consists of 25 minute study sessions with a 5 minute break. We’ve found this method extremely helpful to keep us motivated and away from any distractions!

3. Set aside some time each week to tidy your desk area and clean clutter.

4. Always study away from your bed.

5. Create a calming and positive environment by personalizing your study space with your favourite items. We love a clean and minimalist look, so a framed mood board above my desk is an ultimate essential.

Goal Setting and achieving early high-school goals in the later years

There are different types of goal setting methods I used to narrow down what I wanted to achieve by the end of highschool. I think narrowing down what you want to do in life is difficult throughout high school because you aren’t familiar with what it takes to become that. My biggest realization for wanting to achieve something that seems impossible was that the only reason I was being set back was because I had this fear and would convince myself out of it because I did not know enough about it.

To counteract this l would listen to podcasts or read books that have to do with the journey to get there. For example, for those aiming for medical school listening to and watching content related to the pre-med experience, the MCAT, etc. will have you looking forward to the journey because there is less fear. I also think that starting to familiarize yourself early with what you want to achieve is never a bad thing, talk to people in that profession, talk to students, watch videos about future applications even if they are years away so you can start to build on it by joining clubs and catering your application story to you. If anything this will excite you and will keep you motivated to move forward. Take that fear and use it to your advantage by learning more and just moving towards your interests instead of doubt!

Here is our goal template that is printable!

Our top 5 tips for staying positive

  1. View complicated tasks as a challenge that you are willing to rise up to

  2. Focus on your past successes instead of failures

  3. Maintain a positive perception of yourself and abilities

  4. Avoid catastrophic thinking

  5. Engage in positive self talk

  • “ I embrace new challenges and opportunities to learn and acquire new skills”

  • “ Every subject has something valuable to teach me. I come to class with an open mind and am ready to learn.”

  • “ I am confident in my abilities to succeed in school. I work hard and my efforts are rewarded.”

We hope that you enjoyed this post and apply any of our favourite tips!

xoxo stay chic,

Elena and Elektra



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